Competition Registration Information
Complete this registration form completely. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Greenville Natural Classic Pro-Am! After you receive and complete the registration form, please email it to greenvillenaturalclassic@gmail.com or mail it to the address on the form! Good luck and we will see you at the GNC Pro-Am 2025!
Accepted Methods of Payment:
Money Order

Drug Testing Policy

What is the Men’s and Women’s Transformation Division (Non- Sanctioned Division ON-X NATURALS)?
The Transformation Division will showcase athletes who have made a physical transformation
resulting in fat loss and/or muscle gain. It will be comprised of two parts:
● Before/After Photos
● Stage Comparisons
You will take your “Before” photos at the start of your program and submit them during the
registration window, per the show’s deadline. Your “After” Photos will be taken AT CHECK IN
the day prior to the show. On “Before” photos, you must include a newspaper with a
readable headline and date to authenticate the date of the photo. The Date on that photo
must be within 7 days of the day you register for the division within the registration window.
Front and Back relaxed poses are REQUIRED for the “before” photos submission at the time
of registration. Judging will be based on the most dramatic change. Gym shorts/trunks for
men, and sports bra/gym shorts for women. The “Before” photos must include your thighs at
minimum, but insure that we can see your whole body clearly. Minimal distractions in the back
drop and plenty of lighting.
Photo will be a digital submission, so Polaroids or photo negatives will not be accepted.
You will be asked to submit your starting weight, but please note this will only partially be used
in judging. It’s recommended to keep track of your measurements, (abdomen circumference,
BF, etc), but they will not be part of the judging criteria. You will be able to include the
measurements in your end Bio. Your weight will be checked at check-ins the day prior to the
● Before and After Photos
● Stage Comparisons and Stage Presence
We will be judging based on how dramatic the transformation was, the symmetry of your
physique, and the change in your muscularity.
Transformation: How much visible weight loss/muscle gain was achieved compared to
YOUR starting point (Before Pictures). We’re looking for dramatic transformations during the
Transformation Period.
How balanced was your transformation from Upper Body/Lower Body, your Front
Side from your Back Side, and from your Right Side to your Left.
Presentation: How is your overall confidence on stage, your poise, your overall presentation
of your physique, poses, attire, and transitions.
Competition Attire:
Men: Gym Shorts/Trunks that sit mid-thigh to just above the knee, no shorter than mid-thigh
high. *Bodybuilding trunks, Classic Bodybuilding trunks, nor board shorts are not acceptable.
Solid color only, preferably black or blue. Athletic shoes are to be worn.
Competition Attire:
Women: Sports Bra and Gym shorts. Shorts are to conform around your thighs. Abdomen
must be exposed. *High-waisted shorts or bikinis/bikini tops are not acceptable. Solid colors
only, but can be mix and match. Athletic shoes are to be worn, no HEELS are acceptable.
Athletic Wedges are permissible. (If in need of a reference, please contact Promoter.)
Individual Presentation:
Each Competitor will execute the Box Walk. The competitor will be judged on Presentation
and Poise. You will enter the stage from the right side and hit the first box closest to you and
hit 2-3 poses, move to the center stage, hit 2-3 poses, and then move to the left side of the
stage and hit 2-3 poses before being directed to your placement per the Stage Expediter's
instructions. The poses are as follows:
● Front Pose: Body is standing tall, legs shoulder width apart or wider, head is held high,
arms are either hanging by your side, one hand on hip, or both hands on hips, and smiling.
● Back Pose: Body is standing tall, legs shoulder width apart or wider, head is held high, arms
are hanging by your side or at your side, your back is relaxed but firm.
● Left/Ride Side Pose: Body is standing tall, the leg facing away from the judges is kicked
back while the leg closest to the judges is holding your weight, your torso is twisted at the
waist to face the judges, and arm closes to judge can be flexed towards the back or above
your head to expose torso, and ensure your head is facing the judges and smiling.
● Front/Rear Double Bicep: Body is standing tall, legs shoulder width apart or wider, head is
held high, biceps are brought up by the head and flexed. Either facing judges or away.
Group Comparisons:
Transformation athletes will be directed by the Head Judge to perform Quarter turns for
comparisons. You will start facing the judges in the front pose. Head Judge will call “Quarter
turn to the right.” and you will turn to the right and present the left side of your physique to the
judges. Next Quarter turn you will present your back to the judges. Next Quarter turn you will
present your right side to the judges. Last Quarter turn you will present your front pose to the
judges again. During comparisons you will be asked to switch places with other athletes on
stage by the Head Judge for further side by side comparisons.
"Front Double Bicep" and "Rear Double Bicep" will also be called out during comparisons.
Finals Presentation:
Competitors will be called to stage one by one to preform the I-Walk, where they will stop at
back center stage, strike 1-2 poses, take 4-5 paces to the center stage, hit 1-2 poses, and
proceed to line up on stage right/left or off stage based on the direction of the expediter until
each competitor has presented themselves. Expediter will then direct top 5 back on stage
after all competitors complete their I-Walk for the Awards Presentation.
You must be at least 16 years of age at the time you enter the contest. Under 18 athletes will
require parental consent. Anyone who has EVER competed as a Professional Bodybuilder is
not eligible.
Questions on the Transformation Division please reach out to:
Michael A. Gaytan: mgaytan@xframeproductions.com
*May not be available at all ON-X Events*


Official Photographer of the GNC Pro-Am
Sure Shot Photography

Offical Tanning Company of the GNC
Bionic Tans
Email: bionictans@yahoo.com
Phone: 770-912-6384

Official Hotel of the Greenville Natural Classic Pro-Am

Comfort Inn Haywood Mall Area
246 Congaree Road
Greenville, SC 29607
(864) 288-1200
(864) 288-5667

Contact Information:

Contact Information:

Tattoos by Brandy Artz

Full & Fit Treats
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2025 On-x Natural Events


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Only the Best For You!
Whether you want to compete or just spectate the show, the Greenville Natural Classic is a great opportunity to learn the sport of bodybuilding! Come and join us for a show that will be one for the record books!

GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/greenville-natural-classic-pro-am-tickets-1073120244539